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Inequity in Education from a Global perspective. Systemic challenges amidst multiple crises

19 Jän 2024

10:00 - 16:00

Alois Wagner-Saal im C3, Sensengasse 3, 1090 Wien


The UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) emphasize addressing global educational inequities, especially in SDG4. Recent crises like Covid-19, the war in Ukraine, and the climate crisis have worsened socioeconomic challenges, impacting education, poverty, and social equity.

Persistent disparities in access, achievements, and social mobility exist globally, tied to socio-economic factors, gender, ethnicity, religion, and disability. Past efforts like the Millennium Development Goals fell short in reducing these inequities. Current crises have worsened educational disparities, hindering SDG4 progress. Policy discussions often focus on targeted support rather than systemic change. Academia acknowledges that education systems tend to perpetuate social stratification.

While segregation plays a key role in all countries, in the Global South, factors like refugee challenges, climate impacts, and asymmetric globalization effects exacerbate educational disparities. Colonial legacy and exclusionary education systems further hinder progress.

The event will address global educational inequities, uniting academics, policymakers, and civil society. The dialogue will cover measurable issues to systemic causes, discussing the persistence of inequities, challenges from current crises, and strategies for overcoming them.

Conveners: Austrian Foundation for Development Research (ÖFSE), Paulo Freire Zentrum (Vienna), Research Unit on Education and Inequality, Department of Education, University of Vienna

Conference language:English (German in German-only Working groups possible)


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